П.М. Ахмедова


In Dagestan, tomatoes are the leading vegetable crop and the main canning raw material, the demand for which is increasing every year both by the growing canning industry and the population. In the volume of vegetable production in the republic in 2021, agricultural enterprises account for only 4.3%; peasant farms 0.9%; personal subsidiary farms 94.7%. The article presents the results of the study of tomato varieties of domestic selection according to the main economic and valuable indicators, varieties are distinguished by maturation dates, by the yield of gross and marketable products. To obtain high and high-quality yields of tomato fruits with drip irrigation, it is recommended to grow varieties of the early group Patrice, Finger, middle-early Dina, Ataman and middle-late Astrakhan.


tomato, variety, ripeness group, fruits, yield, quality, marketability.

Как процитировать материал


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