Д.Б. Гелашвили, Г.С. Розенберг, Д.И. Иудин, В.Н. Якимов, Л.А. Солнцев


The stability of biotic communities against external and internal factors is one of the most urgent problem of theoretical and applied ecology. The classic theoretical ecology relies on the hypothesis that the association between the diversity and stability of a community is positive. Difficulties in developing the hypothesis include the lack of strictly formalized definitions for the notions of diversity and stability and the complexity of the very notion of diversity. The objective of the present paper is to treat theoretically the hypothesis that the stability of a community may be linked to the fractality of its structure. A sequential analysis of the basic concepts, i.e., fractal, community and stability allowed to proceed towards a multifractal description of еру structures of communities where, although species may become extinct separately, their survival is possible only within a system of their interactions featuring a certain structure. Arguments are presented that the self-similarity (fractality) of the structures of biotic communities facilitates their self-organisation and the mutual survival of populations of different species within homeostatic ranges of ecological parameters. Self-similarity defines a structural carcass of a community providing for an optimal distribution of material and energetic fluxes in the respective ecosystem.


fractals, stability, structures of biotic communities

Как процитировать материал


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