А.Т. Садиков, В.А. Драгавцев, С.Т. Саидзода


In the process of growth from sowing to the end of the growing season, cotton goes through five main phases of development: 1) seedlings, that is cotyledons; 2) real leaves formation; 3) budding, that is the formation of sympodial branches; 4) flowering; and 5) maturation (balls opening). Knowing the phases of development and the normal rhythm of their passage and the conditions that cause deviations from the normal developmental course is important for assessing the condition of plants and for the correct construction of agricultural machinery in accordance with specific conditions. The article presents theoretical justifications and practical results on a study of a collection of new varieties of parent pairs of medium-fiber cotton for hybridization. The study was conducted in the experimental farm «Ziroatkor» of the Нissar District of the Republic of Tajikistan according to the methodology of G.S. Zaitsev VNIISKH. The experiment was carried out on 20-hole 4-row plots. All plants were labeled with numbers. From 75 to 80 plants were studied in each collection of varieties. All of the parent varieties were different with regard to passing the main phases of development by the end of the growing season. The average height of locally bred plants on August 1 (2019-2020) was 75.0 to 80.6 cm, and of foreign ones, 67,3 to 83,3 cm. The number of balls as of September 1, 2019-2020 was from 14,3 to 15,9 per plant in the local varieties, and 13.9 to 15.7 in the foreign varieties. Five of the foreign ones (ALC-86/6, Cocker-4104, DP-4025, NAD-53, and NAK-99/1) and two the local ones (Dusti-IZ and Ziroatkor-64) were distinguished by their beneficial characteristics and were recommended for further breeding as donors of valuable traits.


cotton, variety, breeding, parent pairs, plant height, number of cotton balls.

Как процитировать материал


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