И.В. Князева, О.В. Вершинина, А.В. Титенков, Е.А. Джос


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of Bacillus cereus bacteria on the development and accumulation of biologically active substances in tomato plants grown under LED and sodium illumination. Plants of the ‘Voskhod VNIISSOKA’ variety were grown hydroponically using low-volume technology with drip irrigation in a climatic chamber manufactured by VIM (Russia). With B. cereus, there was an increase in the accumulation of photosynthetic pigments in tomato biomass compared to that without the bacteria. In the leaves of tomatoes grown under Na (control) or LED illumination with B. cereus, the average content of the total chlorophylls (a + b) was 1.5 times higher than that B. cereus. Under the influence of B. cereus, there was a significant increase in the Brix index when tomatoes were grown under both Na and Led illumination. The maximum Brix index was observed in tomato fruits obtained under LED illumination and treated with a 2.9% B. cereus. B. cereus culture contributes to the enhancement of the biosynthesis of organic acids in tomato fruits. Significant increases in the concentrations of oxalic and succinic acids was observed under Na illumination, and of succinic, malic and citric acids under LED illumination.


Key words: Solanum lycopersicum L., microorganisms, hydroponics, illuminatios, organic acids.

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Zhang Y, Lang D, Zhang W, Zhang X. Bacillus cereus enhanced medicinal ingredient biosynthesis in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. under different conditions based on the transcriptome and polymerase chain reaction analysis. Front Plant Sci. 2022;(13):858000. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.85800

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