И.А. Енгалычева, Е.Г. Козарь, А.В. Каменева, М.С. Корнилова


Currently, there are practically no data on the composition of the phytopathogenic complex on melon culture in Russia. The objective of the present work was to study the complex of pathogens on a melon culture in Volgograd Region conditions. The research was carried out in 2021-2022, using the facilities of Plant and Protection Laboratory of the Federal Vegetable Research Center, at Bykovskaya Melon Vegetable Experimental Station (Volgograd region). Seeds, fruits of melon, watermelon, pumpkin and isolates of micromycetes were studied. Two series of experiments were carried out to determine the most vulnerable developmental stage: 1) fruits (generative stage) of melon crops were infected by applying a mycelial-agar block to the surface of a fruit; 2) developing seedlings were infected with a mycelial suspension. The effects of mycomycetes were evaluated by symptoms manifestation and by changes in the parameters of plants. The main types of symptoms manifested on melon plants in the conditions of Volgograd Region, including those produced by a mixed infection of Fusarium and Colletotrichum fungi, are described. The level of specialization of the isolates of micromycetes in relation to other species of the Cucurbitaceae family was studied and the least specialized isolates were identified. Differences in the resistance influence melon varieties and in the aggressiveness of the isolated mycomycetes towards the growth and development of individual organs of seedlings were established. More than 50% of the studied mycromycete isolates stimulated real leaf development, whereas the rest produced multidirectional effect on these parameters depending on plant resistance. According stem height of a stable variety, a significant stimulation of the growth of the vegetative part was recorded upon infecting with almost all tested isolates. In susceptible varieties, more than 70% of the tested isolates caused depression of stem growth. Changes in the root length of infected seedlings, unlike other parameters, did not show a clear variety-related specificity,


melon, Cucurbitaceae, micromycetes, Fusarium, Colletotrichum, phytopathogens, aggressiveness, isolate.

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