Н.Ю. Гармаш, Л.А. Марченкова, Г.А. Гармаш, О.В. Павлова, Р.Ф. Чавдарь, Т.Г. Орлова


This article presents the results of laboratory studies of the effect of humic substances obtained by various methods (alkaline hydrolysis and ultrasonic cavitation dispersion) from peat, at concentrations of 0.01% and 0.001%, on the growth parameters of seeds of spring wheat Zlata and winter wheat Moskovskaya 39, crops of 2019 and 2020. The concentration of the solution for seed treatment was calculated by the content of humic acids in preparations. Significant differences in the biological activity of humic acids depending on the concentrations used were revealed, and a higher concentration efficiency of 0.01% compared to 0.001% was established on both cultures. In plants of spring and winter wheat varieties, different degrees of intensity of seedling organs formation were noticed depending on a preparation used and its concentration, growing conditions, and genetic characteristics of the crops. Higher rates of growth of the length of sprouts and roots under the influence of humic preparations in winter wheat plants, compared with spring wheat, and a stronger effect on the root systems (length of roots) have been proven. Differences in the growth parameters of spring and winter wheat under the action of humic substances were also observed depending on the year of seed production.


humus substances, biological activity, spring wheat, winter wheat, sowing qualities of seeds.

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