Structural and functional responses of arboreal plants to anthropogenic factors: Damages, adaptations and strategies. Part I. Impact on macro- and micromorphology of the assimilation apparatus

Р.В. Уразгильдин, А.Ю. Кулагин


The present publication is the first of four reviews of reports that have been published over the last 20 years to address the responses of arboreal plants at different hierarchical levels of their organization to anthropogenic factors. The publication covers the effects of different kinds of industrial pollution on macro- and micromorphology of broad and acerose leaves. The specific and nonspecific responses of arboreal plants to the same factor or to different factors, including smokes and toxicants, are differentiated. The adaptive responses within a single leaf or needle may be relatively independent from each other despite the integrity of these plant organs. The causes of such diverse reactions, which ensure the adaptive potential of plants, are discussed with account for the multiplicity of biological functions required for maintaining plant tolerance to anthropogenic impacts.


industrial pollution, macro- and micromorphology, leaves/needles, adaptive responses

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