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1. Савельева НН. Биологические и генетические особенности яблони и селекция иммунных к парше и колонновидных сортов. Мичуринск; 2016.
2. Савельева НН, Лыжин АС. Маркер-контролируемый скрининг генотипов яблони с иммунитетом к парше. Аграрная наука. 2019;(3);135-7.
3. Savelyev NI, Lyzhin AS, Savelyeva NN. Genetic diversity of genus Malus Mill. for scab resistance genes. Russ Agric Sci.;42(5):310-3.
4. Савельева НН, Лыжин АС, Акимов МЮ, Юшков АН Наследование моногенной устойчивости к парше у яблони. URL: https://events.spbu.ru/events/genetic-selection-2019
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7. Hough LF. A survey of the scab resistance of the foliage on seedlings in selected apple progeny. Proc Amer Soc Hortic Sci. 1944; 44: 260-72.
8. Crandall CS. Apple breeding at the University of Illinois. Univ III Arg Exp Sta. 1926;(275):341-600.
9. Hough LF, Shay JR, Dayton DF. Apple scab resistance from Malus floribunda Sieb. Proc Amer Soc Hortic Sci. 1953;62:341-7.
10. Williams EB, Dayton DF, Shay JR. Allelis genes in Malus for resistance to Venturia inaequalis. Proc Amer Soc Hortic Sci. 1966;88(1):52-6.
11. Bus VGM, Rikkerink EHA, Aldwinckle HS, et al. A proposal for the nomenclature of Venturia inaequalis races. Acta Hortic. 2009; 814:739-46.
12. Benaouf G, Parisi L. Genetics of host-pathogen relationships between Venturia inaequalis race 6 and 7 and Malus specie. Phytopathology. 2000;90:236-2.
13. Hough LF, Williams EB, Dayton DF. Progress and problems in breeding apples for scab resistance. In: Proc Angers Fruit Breed Symp. Versailles; 1970.
14. Bus VGM, Rikkerink EHA, Caffier V et al. Revision of the nomenclature of the differential host-pathogen interactions of Venturia inaequalis and Malus.Ann Rev Phytopathol. – 2011;49:191-93.
15. Maliepaard C, Alston FH, Van Arkel G et al. Aligning male and female linkage mars of apple (Malus pumilla Mill.) using multiallelic markers. Theor Appl Genet. 1998;97: 60-73.
16. Tartarini S, Sansavini S, Vinatzer B et al. Efficiency of marker assisted selection (MAS) for the Vf scab resistance gene. Acta Hortic. 2000;538:549-52.
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18. Parisi L, Lespinasse V, Guillaumes J, Kruger J. A new rase of Venturia inaequalis virulent to apples with resistance due to the Vf gene. In: Progress in Temperate Fruit Breeding. Kluwer Acad Publ; 1994. P.79.
19. Lespinasse V. Apple scab, resistance and durability. New races and strategies for the future. In: Progress in Temperate Fruit Breeding. Kluwer Acad Publ; 1994. P.105-6.
20. Roberts AL, Crute IR, Alston FH. Apple scab resistance of Malus floribunda 821 (Vf) is rendered ineffective by isolates of Venturia inaequalis from Malus floribunda. Norm J Agr Sci. 1994;7:313-8.
21. Козловская ЗА, Ярмолич СА, Марудо ГМ. Сравнительная оценка потенциала устойчивости к парше сортов и гибридов яблони в эпифитотийный год. Плодоводство. 2005;17(1):30-5.
22. Козловская ЗА. Научные основы селекции яблони для интенсивных садов Беларуси. Дисдокт. с-х. наук: Самохваловичи; 2006.
23. Brown SK, Maloney KE Genetic improvement of apple: breeding, markers, mapping and biotechnology. In: Apples: Botany, Production and Uses. 2003. P. 31-59.
24. Савельева НН. Хозяйственно-биологическая и экономическая оценка иммунных к парше сортов яблони в условиях Центрально-Черноземного региона России. Дис канд. с.-х. наук. М.; 2008. References
1. Savelyeva NN. Biologicheskiye i Geneticheskiye Osobennosti Yabloni i Selektsiya Immunnykh k Parshe i Kolonnovidnykh Sortov. Michurinsk; 2016.
2. Savelyeva NN, Lyzhin AS. Marker-controlled screening of apple genotypes affording immunity to scab. Agrarnaya Nauka. 2019;(3);135-7.
3. Savelyev NI, Lyzhin AS, Savelyeva NN. Genetic diversity of genus Malus Mill. for scab resistance genes. Russ Agric Sci.;42(5):310-3.
4. Savelyeva NN, Lyzhin AS, Akimov MYu, Yushko AN. Hereditability of monogenic scab resistance in apples. URL: https://events.spbu.ru/events/genetic-selection-2019
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6. Pavlyushin VA, Levitin MM. Foreword. In: Tipy Ustoychivosti Rasteniy k Bolezniam: Materialy Nauchnogo Seminara. St Petersburg: VNIIZR; 2003. P. 3-4.
7. Hough LF. A survey of the scab resistance of the foliage on seedlings in selected apple progeny. Proc Amer Soc Hortic Sci. 1944; 44: 260-72.
8. Crandall CS. Apple breeding at the University of Illinois. Univ III Arg Exp Sta. 1926;(275):341-600.
9. Hough LF, Shay JR, Dayton DF. Apple scab resistance from Malus floribunda Sieb. Proc Amer Soc Hortic Sci. 1953;62:341-7.
10. Williams EB, Dayton DF, Shay JR. Allelis genes in Malus for resistance to Venturia inaequalis. Proc Amer Soc Hortic Sci. 1966;88(1):52-6.
11. Bus VGM, Rikkerink EHA, Aldwinckle HS, et al. A proposal for the nomenclature of Venturia inaequalis races. Acta Hortic. 2009; 814:739-46.
12. Benaouf G, Parisi L. Genetics of host-pathogen relationships between Venturia inaequalis race 6 and 7 and Malus specie. Phytopathology. 2000;90:236-2.
13. Hough LF, Williams EB, Dayton DF. Progress and problems in breeding apples for scab resistance. In: Proc Angers Fruit Breed Symp. Versailles; 1970.
14. Bus VGM, Rikkerink EHA, Caffier V et al. Revision of the nomenclature of the differential host-pathogen interactions of Venturia inaequalis and Malus.Ann Rev Phytopathol. – 2011;49:191-93.
15. Maliepaard C. Aligning male and female linkage mars of apple (Malus pumilla Mill.) using multiallelic markers / Maliepaard C, Alston FH, Van Arkel G et al. // Theor Appl Genet. – 1998. – V.97. – P. 60-73.
16. Tartarini S, Sansavini S, Vinatzer B et al. Efficiency of marker assisted selection (MAS) for the Vf scab resistance gene. Acta Hortic. 2000;538:549-52.
17. Sedova YeN, Ogoltsova TP, eds. Programma i Metodika Sortoizucheniya Plodovykh, Yagodnykh i Orekhoplodnykh Kultur. Orel: VNIISPK; 1999. – 608 s.
18. Parisi L, Lespinasse V, Guillaumes J, Kruger J. A new rase of Venturia inaequalis virulent to apples with resistance due to the Vf gene. In: Progress in Temperate Fruit Breeding. Kluwer Acad Publ; 1994. P.79.
19. Lespinasse V. Apple scab, resistance and durability. New races and strategies for the future. In: Progress in Temperate Fruit Breeding. Kluwer Acad Publ; 1994. P.105-6.
20. Roberts AL, Crute IR, Alston FH. Apple scab resistance of Malus floribunda 821 (Vf) is rendered ineffective by isolates of Venturia inaequalis from Malus floribunda. Norm J Agr Sci. 1994;7:313-8.
21. Kozlovskaa ZA, Yarmolich SA, Marudo GM. Comparative estimate of the potential of scab resistance in apple varieties and hybrids in an epiphytotic year. Plodovodstvo. 2005;17(1):30-5.
22. Kozlovskaya ZA. Nauchnye Osnovy Selektsi Yabloni Dlia Intensivnykh Sadov Belarusi. PhD Disseration. Samohvalovichi; 2006..
23. Brown SK, Maloney KE Genetic improvement of apple: breeding, markers, mapping and biotechnology. In: Apples: Botany, Production and Uses. 2003. P. 31-59.
24. Savelyeva NN. Hoziaystvenno-Biologicheskaya i Tkonomicheskaya Otsenka Immunnykh k Parshe Sortov Yabloni v Usloviyakh Tsentralno-Chernozemnogo Regiona Rossi. PhD Dissertation. Moscow; 2008.