И.А. Усатов, И.С. Труханова, А.В. Алтухов, В.Н. Бурканов


The composition of the Steller sea lion's diet was compared with the catch structure of commercial fisheries in the rookery areas of this species. To achieve this, data from the information system of fisheries in the water areas of 19 Steller sea lion sites in the Russian Far East for the 2000s were used. The study reveals that the primary diet of the Steller sea lion consists of region-specific commercial species. Notably, population trends for Steller sea lions differ across regions: negative in areas with high fishing pressure (Kamchatka), multidirectional in regions with moderate fishing intensity (Kuril Islands), and positive dynamics in areas with low fishing pressure (Sea of Okhotsk). Competition between Steller sea lions and commercial fisheries appears more intense in winter than in summer, as the abundance of hydrobionts in shallow waters is significantly reduced. Consequently, fisheries are forced to shift to deeper waters, and Steller sea lions undertake longer foraging trips and deeper dives to find prey. As a result, Steller sea lions experience higher energy expenditure for food during winter compared to other seasons. Pregnant females and females with dependent offspring are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of food deprivation, leading to reduced survival and birth frequency. In cases of critical food deficiencies, terminating pregnancies and prolonging the lactation period may be necessary to enhance the survival chances of dependent offspring.


Steller sea lion, commercial fishing, State Fisheries Information System, food resources, competition.

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