Р.Х. Гиниятуллин, О.В. Тагирова, Р.С. Иванов, А.Ю. Кулагин


The paper presents the results of studies on the assessment of the relative vitality of the drooping birch Betula pendula plantations in the conditions of pollution by the Sterlitamak Industrial Center (SIC). In general, birch plantations growing under long-term and intense industrial pollution are classified as “healthy”. The external signs of suppression are manifested as a decrease in crown density, an increase in the number of dead branches, and damage to the assimilation apparatus by chlorosis and necrosis. Differences in the content of chlorophyll in the leaves of birch trees under the conditions of pollution by SIC during the growing season were found. In the severe pollution zone, the total content of chlorophylls in the leaves is reduced, compared with that in the low pollution zone. Upon pollution during the period of active growth of birch (June-July), a high content of chlorophylls and an increased nitrogen balance (NBI) in the leaves are noted both in the zone of severe pollution and the zone of low pollution. This suggests the possibility of an adaptive sustainability of the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus under a mixed type of environmental pollution.


Silver birch, relative vitality, leaves, chlorophylls, flavonoids, nitrogen balance index, adaptation

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