И.Ю. Попов


Three possible explanations of the extinction of mammoths are being discussed: mammoths have died out because of 1) climatic changes, 2) extermination by humans, and 3) a combination of unfortunate conditions. New materials concerning the discussion is provided by the Pleistocene Park project implemented by S.A. Zimov and coworkers. The Park, which is located near Kolyma mouth, is designed as a fenced round area about 5 km in diameter, where several hoofed mammal species are introduced. It is expected that under such conditions the area will be transformed from a complex of marshes and forests into an open space reminiscent of the tundra steppe once inhabited by mammoths. The area was fenced in 1997. Recently (2018–2021), new species were introduced there, and the area was assessed making it possible to conclude that the hoofed species survive there and the environment is being transformed, albeit slowly. These observations favor the second of the above explanation as far as they are consistent with that large animals in the North could survive climate changes associated with mammoth extinction.


mammoths, Pleistocene, hoofed mammal species, extinction, restoration, habitat.

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