В.А. Усольцев, И.С. Цепордей, А.А. Парамонов, С.В. Третьяков, С.В. Коптев, А.А. Карабан, И.В. Цветков, А.В. Давыдов, В.П. Часовских


The potential depletion of fossil resources and the need to stabilize the climate require an increasing use of renewable energy sources, in particular, through the cultivation of fast-growing species such as willow (Salix L.), poplar (Populus L.) and alder (Alnus L.) on microrotation plantations. The actual biomass of trees determined on sample plots is rarely published in scientific papers and is usually presented as equations of the dependence of biomass on stem diameter and / or tree height. In this regard, as well because it is difficult to obtain empirical data on sample plots, the development of generic models of biomass based on meta-analysis as a way to generalize the results of independent studies has gained popularity. The purpose of the present study was (a) to construct a database of empirical data, as well as pseudo-data recovered by tabulating allometric models of Salix, Populus and Alnus biomass in known ranges of stem diameters according to available published sources; (b) to develop allometric meta-models of the aboveground biomass of the three aforenamed genera and to perform their comparative analysis; (c) to analyze biases in the assessments of the aboveground biomass of trees with meta-models vs. the original data; (d) to develop models for assessing the component composition of tree biomass of the three genera based on the values of aboveground biomass extracted from its meta-models. It is found that the generic meta-models explain about 99% of the variability of aboveground biomass and produce minor deviations (about 2% on average) from the initial values. Meta-models of biomass components associated with meta-models of aboveground biomass based on the recursive principle explain the variability of the mass of foliage, branches, stems and roots by 70-90, 87-95, 99.3-99.7 and 93-99% respectively. The proposed meta-models of aboveground biomass of trees can be applied in regions for which there are no allometric models of biomass. When a correction factor that takes into account the shape of the lower part of tree stem is introduced into the models, they can be used to assess the carbon depositing capacity of not only energy plantations, but also of managed forests using forest mensuration data.


Salix L., Populus L., Alnus L., stem biomass, generic model, meta-analysis, regression analysis.

Как процитировать материал


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