Л.М. Щеклеина


The spring wheat gene pool in the Russian Federation has not been studied for resistance to ergot, especially under conditions of artificial inoculation of the genotype. The article addresses the use of artificial inoculation of wheat flowers with Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. conidia suspension for elucidating ergot resistance. The aim of the present study is to search for varieties and lines of spring wheat that are resistant to ergot and do not accumulate ergot alkaloids (EA) in C. purpurea sclerotia. In the studied spring wheat material during artificial inoculation of ovary with C. purpurea, two varieties (Novosibirskaya 18 and Tradition) were identified that did not form sclerotia. Against a severe infectious background, the lesioning of the resistant varieties was 6.0-23.9 times lower compared with the reference variety, and the indies of grain contamination with sclerotia was 6.7-20.0 times lower. The spring wheat cultivar Traditsiya Selektsii developed at FARC of the North-East was not affected by ergot during 4 years of study under the hazard of C. purpurea infectious, and is currently successfully passing the State Test. Chromatographic analysis showed that the content of EA varied from 0.06 to 0.24 % per sclerotia mass or from 0.6 to 2.4 mg/g. Four varieties were found (H-154, T-38, Orenburgskaya 23, Epos) that do not accumulate EA in sclerotia, which is of a high breeding significance. Of particular value for further work is the spring wheat variety Epos from Germany, which is resistant to ergot damage and does not accumulate EA.


Triticum aestivum L., Claviceps purpureа (Fr.) Tul. ergot, resistant varieties, ergoalkaloids.

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