А.А. Шамин, О.И. Стогниенко


The narrow specialization of crop production and the introduction of low-cost technologies affect the structure of the soil complex of microscopic fungi. The proportion of phytopathogenic species increases contributing to the development of root system diseases, phytotoxicosis and soil fatigue. Identification of the species composition, distribution, harmfulness and ecological features and of changes in the structure of soil mycobiota in agrocenoses is an urgent task. In the present work, conventional materials and methods were used. Sampling of the rhizosphere was carried out by the method of squares in May, July and October in 4-fold repetitions. Species composition, frequency of occurrence and the abundance of soil fungi types were determined using soil samples culturing, after their fourth dilution, on Chapek medium and on corn and soil agar. Groups of typical and random species of fungi have been identified. The characteristics of changes in the spatial and temporal frequency of occurrence and relative abundance of species and in the abundance of soil fungi, including the most harmful ones, Fusarium spp., on leached chernozem were determined. The data may be useful for the development of integrated plant protection techniques and for the entire farming system.


Phytopathogenic soil fungi (mycobiota), frequency of occurrence of the species, abundance of the species, sugar beet, diseases of the root system of sugar beet.

Как процитировать материал


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