А.Н. Смирнов, О.Г. Смирнова


Species of genus Tilia are extensively used for greening in Moscow and other cities. Currently lime trees are imported from European nurses. The question how much lime trees can be affected by thyrostromosis in an urbanized environment. To get an insight in this issue, lime trees from large-scaled modern cropping in Moscow (Tverskaya street, Tsvetnoy bulvar and metro station Sportivnaya vicinity), which were imported from European nurses, were investigated in 2021 and 2022. The development and typical symptoms of thyrostromosis was assessed and the counts of Thyrostroma compactum conidia per mm2 of affected area were determined. at a ×400 magnification. In all locations investigated, typical symptoms of thyrostromosis have been found. Also, significant recreation and anthropogenic press on lime trees has been observed. In Tverskaya street, just a few Th. сompactum conidia were detected. However, on Tzvetnoy bulvar on particular lime trees (5%) the counts of conidia reached 100 per mm2. Near metro station Sportivnaya, the counts of conidia were maximal. In 40% of samples they were not less than 100 per mm2. Thus, the viability of lime trees plantations in an alternative climate and under strong urbanization in the center of Moscow is compromised. The defensive reactions of the imported lime trees plants fail to protect them from thyrostromosis. It would be wise to enhance efforts for adapting lime trees to Moscow conditions. Before planting, large scaled planting material is necessary to adapt and check for resistance agains thyrostromosis for not less than 2 years.


Tilia, thyrostromosis, Moscow, urbanization, Thyrostroma compactum.

Как процитировать материал


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