С.Т. Саидзода, В.А. Драгавцев, А.Т. Садиков


2Agrophysical Research Institute, SaintPetersburg, Russia The size and quality of the crop yield largely depends on the intensity and efficiency of photosynthesis. To study the photosynthetic and productive indicators, we choose genotypes (lines) at the fourth year of research, and analyzed the technological properties of the fiber. Those genotypes (lines) that were distinguished by a favorable combination of genetic and physiological indicators with high yields of good quality may be passed to competitive variety testing. Based on its results, a decision is made to submit a new variety to the State Commission for Variety Testing and Protection. The study was carried according to the methodology of field research developed at VNIISKh named after G.S. Zaitsev Agrotechnical procedures were carried out according to agricultural recommendations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan. It was found that mineral fertilizers significantly influenced the development of the total leaf surface (TLS) of cotton plants. This influence was traced as early as at budding phase and increased at the fruitage phase. At all vegetation phases, the smaller density of stand (66 thousand/ha) was associated with a larger leaf surface compared with the higher density (110 thousand/ha). TLS in cotton plant Zarnigor and Ziroatkor-64 varieties corelates with productivity at r = 0.82.


leaf surface, standing density, mineral fertilizers, cotton, yield.

Как процитировать материал


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