А.Т. Садиков, В.А. Драгавцев, С.Т. Саидзода


The adaptive potential is the limit of resistance of cultivated plants to adverse factors. Breeding to increase the adaptive potential was the basis of «folk breeding», in which the task of obtaining record harvests was not set, but plant resistance to stressful conditions was valued. Studying the adaptability of cultivated plants to various environmental conditions is warranted because of global climate change. The introduction of adaptive varieties of cotton, which areresistant to environmental stress factors, is the basis for obtaining stable yields. The present article presents the results of the assessment of the adaptive potential of native varieties of medium-fiber cotton and the ones created in different years by breeding in the Republic of Tajikistan. The research was carried out in the Gissar District of the southwest of Central Tajikistan and in the Kabadiyan District of the Khatlon Region of Tajikistan according to the methodology suggested in G.S. Zaitsev Agricultural Research Institute. In 2019-2021, the yield and adaptability of 8 old, zoned and new promising (recently zoned) varieties of medium-fiber cotton of local and foreign selection were evaluated in the Gissar and Kabadiyan districts. The highest yields, up to 6,6±2,5-7,4±2,2 t/ha were observed in the Hissar district (the varieties Kabadian-30, Dangara-30). In the district, the maximum yield of these varieties did not exceed 8,6±3,1 t/ha. Regardless of soil and climatic factors, the yield of medium-fiber cotton varieties varied greatly over the years (coefficient of variation from 22,8 to 39,8 %). The varieties Kabadian-30 and Dangara-30 featured the highest index of «realization of potential yield» in the Gissar district (more than 78,8 %), whereas in the Kabadian district, this index exceeded in 71,8 % in all varieties.


cotton, variety, potential yield, fiber yield, adaptability.

Как процитировать материал


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