Н.Н. Савельева, А.Н. Юшков, А.С. Земисов, Н.В. Борзых, В.В. Чивилев, А.С. Лыжин


Issues of creating apple varieties with scab resistance are addressed. Scabs, wch is the most common apple disease in central Russia, is caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) Wiht. Until now, varieties with the Rvi6 gene featured monogenic resistance. Observations in in apple plantations of I.V. Michurin Federal Research Center during vegetation season in 2022 confirm that immunity to scab is not long-lasting. In the current ecological situation, breeders are faced with an urgent need to ensure the stability of the resistance of apple genotypes to scab. A promising approach is creating of a "pyramid" of genes in the new genotypes that can ensure the stability of resistance of apple trees to scab.


apple tree, variety, immunity, scab, overcoming resistance.

Как процитировать материал


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8. Crandall CS. Apple breeding at the University of Illinois. Univ III Arg Exp Sta. 1926;(275):341-600.

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11. Bus VGM, Rikkerink EHA, Aldwinckle HS, et al. A proposal for the nomenclature of Venturia inaequalis races. Acta Hortic. 2009; 814:739-46.

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