Е.В. Пахолкова, Н.Н. Сальникова, Л.Ф. Панкратова, Т.М. Коломиец


The harmfulness of the causative agent of Septoria nodorum blotch Parastagonospora nodorum and the resistance of spring soft wheat varieties of Kazakhstan-Siberian network (KASIB) selection to this pathogen were studied. The studies were carried out in a greenhouse (at the germination phase) and in the field (at the phase of adult plants) on an artificial infectious background. The following was evaluated according to standard methods: plant infection degree, resistance index, and yield losses. The resistant and tolerant forms have been identified that can be recommended for zoning and as donors for selection for immunity to Parastagonospora nodorum.


Key words: Septoria nodorum blotch, Parastagonospora nodorum, variety pattern, infection degree, crop loss, resistance, susceptibility, tolerance.


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