П.И. Костылев, В.А. Голубова, Н.Н. Вожжова, Н.В. Калинина


FSBSI "Agricultural Research Center "Donskoy" The article presents the results of studying the tolerance of rice to prolonged immersion in water and the ability of vigorous growth from under the water layer. The resistance of varieties to flooding is very relevant in Russia in the fight against weeds due to the deep layer of water that weeds cannot overcome. The aim of the study was to evaluate the physiological parameters that affect the tolerance of rice to prolonged immersion in water and the ability of vigorous growth from under the water layer. For research, samples were selected that were obtained in the laboratory of rice breeding and seed production at the Agricultural Research Center "Donskoy" from crossing domestic varieties with Asian donors of flood resistance genes. The studies were carried out using several laboratory methods. As a result of the physiological evaluation of 180 varieties and samples of rice, the forms with the greatest potential for growth and development were identified. The potential of certain varieties to accumulate vegetation mass has been revealed. Extensive material has been obtained that has theoretical and practical significance for improving the breeding process.


rice, variety, tolerance to flooding, physiological methods, germination, germination energy, growth force.

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