Н.С. Жемчужина, М.И. Киселева, С.А. Елизарова, С.Ю. Белякова


The range of pathogenic and saprophytic fungi developing on winter wheat crops in 2021 in Klinsky District of Moscow Region has been established. Samples of affected winter wheat plants with signs of fungal infections on their leaves and roots served as the material for research. In total, about 24 species of micromycetes were isolated from the wheat samples and identified. A complex of micromycetes featuring various trophic specializations was formed in winter wheat cenosis. Among the micromycetes there those of the genera Fusarium, Bipolaris, Alternaria were noticed on the leaves. The group of saprotrophic fungi that mainly occurred in the rhizosphere of winter wheat includes species of the genera Arthrinium, Byssochlamys, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Epicoccum, Microdochium, Mortierella, Verticillium, Trichotecium, etc.


Key words: winter wheat, cultivar, mycophlora, saprophyte, hemibiotrophus.

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