И.Д. Еськов, О.Л. Теняева, А.Г. Шаповалов


Phytopatogen significantly reduce potato crop yields and quality. We examined the species composition of causative agents of late blight, altenariosis and rhizoctoniosis (black scab) in potato varieties cultivated in the Saratov Region according to the conventional and comb technologies. In the right-bank zone of the region, predominant among potato diseases were alternariosis (46%), zhizoctoniossis (20%) and phytofrorosis (14%). In the left-bank zone, dominating diseases are the same, their proportion being somewhat different: zhizocroniosis and alternariosis at 32 and 31% respectively. In the lest-bank zone, the early variety Zhukovskiy is most vulnerable to phytoftorosis upon both of the technologies (15 and 10% respectively), whereas the early variety Labella and the moderately early Silvana are more vulnerable to rhizoctoniosis (8 and 6% and 4 and 2% respectively, dpendong on technology). Silvana proved to be the most resistant to phytopatogens. During the study period, the crop yields of Silvana varied from 22.2 to 23.5 ton/ha, and of Labella, from 20.8 to 22.9. The best variant was Silvana upon using biofungicides irrespective planting technology. The recoupment of protective measures was 18.7 to 19.4 rubles in this case.


Potatoes, fungal diseases, comb technology, fungicides, biofungicides.

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