Л.М. Ерошенко, Л.А. Марченкова, О.В. Павлова, Р.Ф. Чавдарь, Т.Г. Орлова


This report presents experimental laboratory data related to estimating the impact of osmotic, anaerobic and saline stresses on 10 different spring barley varieties grown in 2020-2021 in two different nitrogen nutrition conditions – N100 and N150. Different levels of the negative impact on growth processes of the varieties depending on stress-factors, weather conditions, nutrition and genetical background of observed kinds were revealed. A significant increase of stress in unfavorable conditions (in 2021) is manifested as plants’ suppression and decrease in stability upon all stressful backgrounds. The most adverse effect on barley is produced by the anaerobic stress. Among all barley varieties with higher-than-average stress resistance irrespective of weather and cultivation technologies the following were distinguished: Moskovsky 86, Nadiozhniy and Yaromir were best upon draught, and Nadyozhniy, Vladimir” were the best upon excess salinization, and Moskovsky 86 and Yaromir, upon in overflood. Other varieties showed ambiguous results in stress resistance tests depending on nitrogen nutrition and weather conditions. Based on the integral resistance index, the best-performing barley varieties were Moskovsky 86, Nadyozhniy, Vladimir and Elf, whose index surpass the average 3,73 units by 0,12-0,8 units. A strong correlation (r ranging from 0,679 to 0,759) was found between barley crops field yields and resistance indexes defined in different nitrogen nutrition conditions.


barley, kind, stress-factors, dehydration, oversalinization, overflood, resistance.

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