Н.В. Давыдова, Л.А. Марченкова, О.В. Павлова, Р.Ф. Чавдарь, Т.Г. Орлова, А.В. Широколава


The article presents experimental data on the adaptability of spring wheat varieties and lines evaluated by their responses to dehydration, acidification and plant hypoxia during their seedlings phase. Artificially modeled stress backgrounds used were high sucrose, sodium chloride (NaCl) and aluminum sulfate [Al2(SO4)3], as well as prolonged seeds drowning. The responses of samples were assessed by their growing rates in comparison with control (distilled water) upon dehydration by sucrose and upon hypoxia, by sprouts length upon salination, and by roots length upon acidification. Percentages of experimental results vs. respective controls were calculated. Different levels of depression of the above indicators (depending on stress factors implemented), as well as different abilities to tolerate stress factors were found. Differences between varieties in their rea to stress factors were identified. Depending on variety, the indicators varied within 34-85 % for drought tolerance, 17-58 % for salinity tolerance, 41-84 % for acid tolerance, and 18-72 % for flooding tolerance. It was determined that anaerobic and salt stresses are the most harmful to the spring wheat plants. According to the combined tolerance index “I” 46% varieties with a broad adaptability spectrum to stressors were chosen. Especially valuable for selection are the varieties Zlata, Liza, Ester, Agata and Radmira due to the combination of economically important traits featured by them: high productivity, high yield, plasticity, and tolerance to adverse environmental factors and diseases. Those varieties may be used in environmentally different regions to create new spring wheat varieties with combinations of positive traits.


spring wheat, variety, line, stress factors, dehydration, salinization, acidification, flooding, tolerance index, adaptability.

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