В.М. Гармашов, Н.А. Нужная, Л.В. Гармашова


Due to the constant growth of the areas of zero tillage and the active use of continuous herbicides based on glyphosate, studies conducted in the soil and climatic conditions of the south-east of the Central Asian Republic in order to identify the effect of glyphosate-containing preparations on the environmental conditions of the soil environment with zero tillage, in stationary and micro-field experiments, the dynamics of the development of azotobacter by taking into account the microorganism on soil plates. Studies have found that the use of a glyphosate-containing herbicide of continuous action has the strongest negative effect on the soil environment in the surface layer of the soil 0-5 cm, whereas with an increase in the thickness of the studied layer to 0-20 cm, the effect of glyphosate acid on the soil biota manifests and affects significantly less. An increase in the rate of use of a glyphosate-containing drug (Tornado 500, BP) from the recommended (3.0 l / ha) three times (9.0 l / ha) reduces the number of nitrogen bacteria in the soil layer 0-5 cm in ordinary chernozem, against the background with the annual use of fertilizers N60P60K60 for basic tillage, almost three times, against the background without the use of fertilizers, seven times compared to the soil where glyphosate-containing preparations were not used.


agrocenosis, common chernozem, аzotobacter, herbicide, glyphosate-containing preparation.

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