С.А. Ветрова, Е.Г. Козарь, И.А. Енгалычева, К.С. Мухина


Because of the deterioration of the phytopathological situation, it is expedient to increase the resistance of varieties and hybrids to plant disease agents. In the Moscow Region, beet crop losses during long-term storage can reach 25-60% or more. Therefore, the use of existing and the development of new storage-disease resistant varieties and hybrids becomes increasingly important. The aim of the present study was to evaluate table beet lines and to identify sources of stable resistance to clamp rot and associated valuable traits. The work included 244 sterile ms-A lines and 187 fertile mf-B lines (sterility fixers) of table beet developed at the Laboratory of Breeding and Seed Production of Table Root Crops. The beet plants were grown in a film greenhouse at the Experimental Production Unit of the Federal Scientific Vegetable Breeding Center (Odintsovo District, Moscow Region) in 2017-2021 and stored in containers at 1...2 °C temperature and 90-92% humidity for seven months. Phytosanitary monitoring of the prevalence of diseases during storage and identification of isolated pathogens were carried out using the facilities of Laboratory of Plant Immunity and Protection according to generally accepted methods. It was shown that, under the current conditions in Moscow Region, the basis of the pathogenic complex of mycotic diseases of table beet root crops is formed by pathogens from the genera Fusarium, Phoma and Alternaria, fungi from the genera Botrytis, Sclerotinia, and Penicillium becoming less common. In most cases, several types of pathogens are simultaneously present on affected beet roots. The characteristics of the distribution of samples by their resistance to storage conditions at different stages of breeding process were determined in the groups of fertile mf-B lines and of the sterile ms-A lines that were obtained using the former ones. The lines were identified that were promising from the point of view of stable long-term resistance to storage diseases and of other economically valuable and thus should be used in breeding for creating new three-line hybrids of table beet.


beetroot, resistance, linear material, root crop, storage, cahate rot, selection.

Как процитировать материал


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