Н.М. Велижанов


GBPOU of the Republic of Dagestan "Agrarian College", Dagestan lights Growing tomatoes in Dagestan is peculiar because of the climatic conditions of the region. On the one hand, the weather is cool in early spring, after planting seedlings in the open ground, starting in mid-April; on the other hand, high summer temperatures associated with an air drought create stressful conditions for the growth and development of the generative organs of plants featuring medium, medium-late and late ripening. The purpose of our research was to identify relationships between resistance to fusariosis and resistance to cold at the early stages of plant development, as well as the impact of yearly conditions on the susceptibility of tomato to fusarious root rot. There was found a significant positive correlation between the degree of germination and the length of roots at low positive temperatures under controlled conditions, as well as between the levels of resistance to cold and fusariosis in the field. Effective donors of resistance and promising populations for use in tomato breeding have been identified. It has been revealed that the contrasting genotypes of tomato form common or close genotypes with related hereditary populations, especially backcrosses, which indicates a high hereditability resistance to fusariosis. The leading role of genotype in the manifestation of resistance to fusariosis as it relates to yearly conditions has been established, indicating that sustainable varieties of tomato (Novichok, Grant, Topaz) are reliable donors of resistance to fusariosis and have high potential for breeding programs.


genotype, variety, selection, tomato, environment, stress, fusarium, root, germination.

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