О.О. Белошапкина, А.Д. Калашников, Д.В. Калашников, Е.Н. Кислин


The study was carried out in 2020-2021 in the south of the Voronezh Region (Pavlovsk), which is the northern zone of uncovered viticulture, in a private collection of grapes laid in 2015 for immunological field assessment of grape species and varieties during visual field surveys of plants. It was ащгтв that powdery mildew, oidium and anthracnose were the dominant fungal diseases. All 7 tested varieties of different origin were affected by mildew, more strongly in a rainy 2021 than in 2020. High resistance to powdery mildew was noticed in the varieties Liberty, Prime Seedless and Marshal Foch (development rate within 12%). Berry lesions were not noted. Vitis vulpina was not affected by powdery mildew in both years of research. V. amurensis and V. labrusca showed high resistance, disease prevalence being within 9%, and disease development, wihtin 1%. All tested varieties were affected by oidium more strongly in 2020 than in 2021. In the varieties Nadezhda AZOS and Surkhak, disease development was on average about 25%, which was significantly less than in other varieties (32-45%). Berry lesions were not noticed. The species V. аmurensis, V. labrusca and V. vulpina were not affected by oidium in both years of the study. The greatest resistance to the stem form of anthracnose was found in the varieties Liberty, Marshal Foch and Prime Seedless. The species V. аmurensis, V. labrusca and V. vulpina were affected by anthracnose to a minimal extent in both years, disease prevalence being within 30% and development ranging from 0.5 to 5%. The indicated grape varieties and species that are relatively resistant to fungal diseases may be used as a starting material for selection for resistance to mycoses.


grape, fungal pests, monitoring of species and varieties resistance


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