Ю.Г. Тютюнник, Л.М. Губарь, Н.А. Пашкевич, И.В. Гончаренко


Industrial technogenesis is considered as an independent soil-forming process resulting in a special type of soils, i.e. industrial soils. Their diagnostic horizon is the genetic horizon FR formed by substances and objects involved in the production cycle and industrial construction. The soil cover of the territories of factories, industrial complexes, mines, power plants, and industrial zones in general is represented by the dominant industrial soils, as well as by other types of altered/man-made soils. In general, industrial soils cannot be regarded as a sort of urban and chemically contaminated soils as it follows from the presented examples of technogenic soil-forming substrates and industrial sites of sugar mills in Ukraine. It is shown that, when the effect of technogenesis is removed or attenuated, the processes of juvenile soil formation and ecological demutation develop on technogenic substrates and industrial sites of sugar mills. The leading natural components of such industrial demutation are sod and humus formation and gley and dealluvial processes. Specific technogenic demutation processes include squeeze-humus formation, elemental sulfur oxidation, lime quenching, etc. During about 100 years of dealluvial inwashing processes in demutating industrial grounds of abandoned sugar mills there may be formed humus horizons of an up to 50 cm capacity, which leads to the formation of young chernozem soils on industrial grounds. Soil-forming substrates and soils of abandoned sugar mills are avidly occupied by vegetation, which forms communities referred to Artemisietea vulgaris, Robinietea and Sisymbrietea classes.


technogenesis, industrial soil, sugar plant, juvenil soil formation, ecological demutation

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