А.Г. Коновалов, Д.В. Рисник, А.П. Левич, П.В. Фурсова


Current approaches to setting standards of the ecological conditions of soil are reviewed, including the environmental monitoring of soils and the significance of chemical and biological parameters for assessing the quality of and the effects of physical impacts on soil. The Russian system of environmental norms setting, which is based on the concept of maximum permissible values, is compared with foreign approaches to norms setting and to calculated integral indices, in particular, with environmental norms setting in Germany (standards for soil pollutants depend on land use), the Netherland (critical “interference levels” beyond which soil pollution may be qualified as serious) and the USA (national environmental policy and programs of nature preservation). Alternatives to relying on maximum permissible values are outlined, including biogeochemical and statistical norms setting and ecosystemic approaches, as well as the concepts of threshold levels, critical loads and ecological risks.


environmental norm setting, ecological risk, threshold level, maximum permissible value, critical load.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24855/biosfera.v9i3.371