В.М. Шрайбер


The paper addresses the earliest steps of studying the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere with special attention to the origin of the concept of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions as a factor of increase in the effect. The hallmarks of the story include greenhouse effect discovery by J. Fourier (1824), the recognition that water vapor and carbon dioxide are able to absorb the infrared radiation (J. Tyndall, 1859), the first attempt to calculate changes in Earth temperature based on changes in carbon dioxide content in Earth atmosphere and the first hypothesis that Earth temperature may rise because of anthropogenic factors (S. Arrhenius, 1896), and the publication of the first paper claiming that climate warming, which was hypothesized by S. Arrhenius, does take place (G. Callendar, 1938). The ideas that guided these researchers and the roles of some other personalities are described. The paper is supplemented with an explanation of the physical basis of greenhouse effect with emphasis on the role of the spectral characteristics of atmospheric gases.


greenhouse effect, carbon dioxide, global warming.

Как процитировать материал


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24855/biosfera.v5i1.312