М.С. Соколов, Д.М. Соколов, С.Н. Тымчук, В.Е. Ларин


Soil is the principal reservoir and habitat of sanitary significant microorganisms. The present review addresses the main factors of settlement and survival of soil pathogens responsible for dangerous diseases of humans and domestic animals, the problems of biological control (mainly bacterial) of soil contamination, and the formal methods of evaluating its sanitary-epidemiological conditions, biological activity, and anti-pathogenic (suppressive) properties. The main principles, goals and objectives of the sanitary-microbiological testing of soil are formulated. The concepts of “microbiological health indicator”, “qualitative and quantitative indicator of health”, “sanitary indicator microorganisms”, “indirect microbial control” are discussed. Some of the currently valid soil health indicators, including specific sanitary indicator microorganisms, and the characterized of culture medium recommended for their identification are critically assessed. The parameters and titers of microorganisms characteristic of safe soil are presented. The general principles of soil sampling and sample preparation for microbiological analysis, including the latest express methods, used to identify sanitary indicator microorganisms are outlined. Promotion of soil conservation and environmental monitoring and its self-purification of pathogens is an important priority of government bodies and local land users.


sanitary indicator, sanitary indicator microorganisms, pathogen, opportunistic pathogens, rapid methods of analysis, petrifilms.

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