Т.Ю. Гагкаева, О.П. Гаврилова, М.М. Левитин


Fusarium is a large complex genus of fungi comprising pathogenic biotrophs, saprotrophs and endophytes, some of which produce mycotoxins. Certain Fusarium species are more broadly adapted to environmental variability (Fusarium poae, F. sporotrichioides) than others (F. graminearum, F. culmorum, F. cerealis). The adaptivity of fungi to variable environments reflects their genetic plasticity and metabolic diversity. Their high genome diversity may be instrumental in speciation. Assessing the diversity of Fusarium species reveals different genetic lineages. Some of the new phylogenetic species are associated with geographical region, particularly in Russian Far East and Siberia (F. ussurianum, F. sibiricum), but this does not rule out the possibility of their detection in other regions of the world. Data on the biogeography of the most toxigenic Fusarium species in Russia are reviewed. Knowing the distribution of toxigenic Fusarium species makes it possible to predict and prevent grain crops and products contamination with mycotoxins and, thus, to reduce the risk of human and animal diseases.


fungi, Fusarium, species, distribution areas, mycotoxins.

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