В.А. Драгавцев, С.И. Малецкий


The increasing role of the epigenetic paradigm in developing new concepts in the fields of heredity, development and genotypic variability of organisms and its significance for designing new breeding technologies is shown. An analysis of the history of paradigm changes in the science of heredity is presented. A new important phenomenon of the epigenetic organization of quantitative characters – changes in the spectrum of genes controlling a defined character upon changes in a limiting factor of the environment – is described. This new idea about the nature of eco-genetic “design” of productivity components allows predicting the effects of interactions between genotypes and their environments, the appearance of transgressions, the ecologically dependent heterosis, the displacements of quantitative character dominance, the sings and levels of genotypic correlations in different environments, and other quantitative characteristics of importance for smart and effective engineering of new crop varieties having high productivity, steadiness and quality.


mendelism, paradigms of inheritance and development, pelorism, eco-genetic nature of quantitative characters, epigenetics, polygens, QTL

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