К.А. Дурягина, А.И. Иванов, Д.Г. Смирнов


Chromium content in gray forest soils under forest vegetation was determined in Volga Upland. The average content of Cr in the soils studied is 8.16 mg/kg. This is 8.6 times less than the Clarke number of Cr in most soils of the world. Cr content in the varieties of gray forest soils studied is low due to that the soils are formed on sedimentary rocks, which are poor in this element. Cr content in all soil samples is similar: it ranges from 7.2 to 11.8 mg/kg. The content of the mobile forms of chromium in soils closely correlates with the gross Cr content. In all samples studied, the contents of the mobile forms amounted to 1.2-1.5% of the gross concentrations. Different systematic groups of living organisms significantly differ from each other in Cr content. The average content of Cr (mg/kg) is 0.82 in the fruiting bodies of Agaricomycetes mushrooms, 0.34 in lichen layers, and 0.52 in moss thalloms. No correlation between Cr concentrations in feeding substrates and fruiting bodies of fungi was observed. The average Cr content in the vegetative organs of vascular plants is 0.50 mg/kg. Cr content is minimum in shrubs, slightly higher in trees, and maximum in grasses. These values correspond to the average values for ecologically clean areas in Russia.


forest ecosystems, biological objects, soil, toxic elements.

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