Г.А. Шайхутдинова, Т.В. Рогова, О.Н. Кревер, Л.Г. Фалалеева


Nature reserve affairs are considered as an area of professional activity and an independent branch of economy. Russian experience in determining the professional qualifications of employees of nature reserves during the Soviet period and at present is reviewed, and approaches to standardization of activities related to protected area practiced abroad are considered. The study reveals gaps and inconsistencies in approaches to reflecting nature reserves management in the systems of standardization of industrial, economic, educational and labor relations in the Russian Federation. The vagueness of concepts considering this area of professional activity and related professions is an obstacle to development of specialized educational programs for staff training. Based on a functional analysis of the contents of the regulatory legal acts and organizational and methodological documents regulating the activities of institutions involved in nature reserve affairs in modern Russia, the main types of professional activity are determined and a functional map of positions in nature reserve management is suggested. The functional map outlines the general framework of professional qualifications in nature reserve affairs. A draft professional standard «Specialist in nature reserve affairs» for professional domain «Conservation and Use of Protected Areas» has been developed.


biodiversity conservation, type of professional activity, sectoral qualifications framework, professional standard, labor functions.

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