В.А. Усольцев


The age of a forest stand is an important indicator reflecting succession dynamics of forest ecosystem after external influences and damages. It plays a key role in forestry activities and in preserving of biodiversity. Forest age influences the long-term dynamics of carbon balance, the potential for carbon sequestration and prospects for achieving carbon neutrality. Modern remote sensing methods make it possible to estimate the age of both an individual stand and stand aggregates over large areas. Lidar technologies using drones are promising for local estimates of the age of trees and stands based on their morphometric indicators; however, such studies are quite rare. The purpose of the present study was to develop models of the dependence of the age of trees and stands on their basic morphometric indicators available for lidar scanning. The study was based on two original databases, from which measurement data related to 5320 model trees and 5817 stands of 13 forest-forming genera of Eurasia were taken. In allometric models of the dependence of the age of a tree on its height and crown diameter, determination coefficients range from 0.60 to 0.66. The contributions of tree height and crown diameter to the variability of tree age are 71% and 29% respectively. In allometric models of the dependence of the age of stands on their height and density, determination coefficients range from 0.45 to 0.89. The contributions of the average height of a stand and its density to the variability of age are 54% and 46% respectively. The proposed models can be used for estimating the age of trees and stands of forest-forming genera of Eurasia using airborne lidar technologies, including the use of drones.


forest-forming genera of Eurasia, height of trees and stands, morphometric indicators, allometric models.

Как процитировать материал


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