М.Н. Стаменов


Habitus features of the young trees of the oak Quercus robur L. were examined in the plant communities of south taiga in Nizhniy Novgorod Region. Chosen for examination were the trees that grow in flood lands and in terrains above them along rivers, including the following habitat types: flood-land meadows and oak woods, glades, and small-leaveв and coniferous forests contaminated with broad-leaved plants. For each type, the horizontal mosaics patterns that were distinguished ranged from closed canopy to large glades or meadows. The examined trees were immature, virginal and young according to their developmental stages. The patterns of configuration, growth and branching of stem and first- and second-order branches were analyzed. In some trees, the lengths of the elementary sprouts of stems and branches were also measured. It has been found that the diversity of the patterns of habitus organization may be categorized into four architectural types (AT). AT1: orthotropic stem with predominantly ascending branches. AT2: orthotropic stem with predominantly plagiotropic branches. AT3: stem deviates from orthotropy, and branches grow in different directions irrespective of whether they sprout from the straight or bulged parts of stem. AT4: stem splits to form an intricate pseudo-dichotomous system comprising orthotropic and/or plagiotropic substitution axes. Each AT comprises a set of variants differing in the specificities of branching and of relative directions of growth axes. In flood-land meadows, only AT1-type trees were found. In all other habitats the predominant types were AT1 and AT2. The organization of the principal axes of crown and the rate of their branching in the oak trees that grow in flood-land meadows confirm, from the biomorphological standpoint, the fact that flood-lands at rivers are the most favorable habitats of Q. robur in the northern part of its areal.


biomorphology, habitus, Quercus robur L, Nizhniy Novgorod Redion, south taiga

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