Г.Д. Соколова, Н.И. Будынков


The review is devoted to Fusarium species F. verticillioides, F. fujikuroi and F. proliferatum, which attract the attention of phytopathologists due to the diversity of taxonomic groups of affected plants and the ability to contaminate crop products with fumonisins, which belong to the group of regulated mycotoxins. Significant progress in the study of plant pathogens is associated with the use of molecular genetic methods. The work considers the factors influencing the formation of fumonisins, as well as the molecular genetic features of the structure of the genomes of phytopathogens, which support intraspecific genetic variability and ensure the ecological adaptability of species.


F. fujikuroi, F. proliferatum, F. verticillioides, phytopathogens, fumonisins.

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