А.А. Кузина, Е.С. Храпай, С.И. Колесников, Т.В. Минникова, К.Ш. Казеев


Zinc is an important pollutant. In the vicinity of the copper mining enterprise Urupsk Ore Dressing Complex (UODC), mountain-meadow chernozem soil is contaminated with Zinc more than with other heavy metals, including copper, lead, and chromium. The objective of the present work was to determine the environmentally safe zinc level in an alpine meadow soil (Mollic Leptosol Eutric) by modeling zinc-caused changes in its ecosystemic functions in laboratory conditions. Soil specimens were sampled at the tailing dump of UODC. The following parameters were determined: soil catalase and dehydrogenase activities, Azotobacter cell abundance, total bacteria abundance, and germination and growth rates of radish (Raphanus sativus L). The results were used to calculate an integral index of soil conditions. Soil contamination with zinc significantly inhibited radish germination rate at 50–500 mg/kg and of Azotobacter cell abundance at 100-500 mg/kg. Other parameters were reduced at 250 и 500 mg Zn/kg. The environmentally safe level of zinc thus established was 190 mg/kg. This level may be used as a reference standard for assessing ecosystems pollution.


chemical pollution, heavy metals, integral index of biological condition, environmentally safe concentration.

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