Л.Я. Боркин, А.Ф. Сайфитдинова


The article outlines the history of the development of scientometrics. Bibliometric indicators (citation index, impact factor, Hirsch index, etc.) and the major databases and search engines (Web of Science, Scopus, Dimensions, CrossRef, COCI, Microsoft Academic, SCImago Journal Rank, The Lens, OpenAlex, and Semantic Scholar), which are used in Russia, are described. Shortcomings of the quantitative indicators and criticism thereof by the scientific community are considered. The monopolization of the world publication market by major Western publishers is described. Particular attention is given to the federal administrative policy of assessing the activities of scientists and research organizations in Russia in the 2010s, with its emphasis on bibliometric indicators and Western databases as well as on forcing Russian scientists to publish in foreign journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus. The use of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), the Scientific Performance Indicator, and Western and Russian bibliometric indicators in career advancement and grant funding of Russian scientists is characterized. The disastrous consequences of the erroneous scientometric policy and of the use of scientometrics in the context of Western sanctions and the special military operation in Ukraine for Russian science are discussed. The authors’ recommendations for rectifying the situation are presented. While adorning bibliometrics achievements and potential for analyzing the development of science and acknowledging its usefulness in searching for scientific information, the authors definitely object against using the bibliometrics indicators for evaluating any individual scientists and papers, which should be judged about based on expert analysis, i.e. according to the content (quality) of publications rather than to the number and publishing venues thereof.


scientometrics, citation index, impact-factor, h- index, science policy, expert analysis, Western sanctions

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