В.М. Шрайбер


The present article is the second part of a concise narrative about the studies of the greenhouse effect and the rise of the concept ofenhancement of this effect due to the anthropogenic increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the air. The earliest events from the discoveryof the greenhouse effect by Fourier in 1824 through the end of 1940s were addressed in the first part (Biosfera. 2013;5:37-46). The secondpart covers the period of 1945 to 1960 when a series of investigations were carried out, mainly in the USA, to become an indispensable part of the concept of anthropogenic enhancement of the greenhouse effect. As to studies published in the next decade, including those authored by Russian scientists, they will be addressed in the next part of this series.


greenhouse effect, history of science, anthropogenic effects.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24855/biosfera.v7i3.90