А.П. Гусев


The purpose of the work is to analyze the long-term dynamics of NDVI of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems as a response to climate change. The research area is Belarusian Polesye. Survey data from the MODIS sensor of the Terra satellite (product MOD13Q1) was used. Time interval – 2000-2022. Objects of research: undisturbed forest ecosystems; disturbed forest ecosystems; wetland ecosystems; arable ecosystems. NDVI was used as an indicator of productivity. An analysis and assessment of the statistical significance of NDVI trends in natural and anthropogenic ecosystems was carried out. The positive influence of increased heat supply and CO2 content in the atmosphere on the NDVI of natural forest and swamp ecosystems has been established. In disturbed forest and arable ecosystems, the positive effect is compensated by a negative effect – a decrease in moisture supply.


Belarusian Polesie, ecosystems, NDVI; trend; MODIS; climate change

Как процитировать материал


Гусев АП. Изменения NDVI как индикатор динамики экологического состояния ландшафтов (на примере восточной части Полесской провинции). Вестник Воронежского государственного университета. Сер. География. Геоэкология. 2020;(1):101-7. DOI:

Гусев АП. NDVI как индикатор климатогенных реакций геосистем (на примере юго-востока Беларуси). Региональные геосистемы. 2022;46(2):200-9. DOI 10.52575/2712-7443-2022-46-2-200-209

Гусев АП. Оценка риска негативных климатогенных реакций полесских ландшафтов. Российский журнал прикладной экологии. 2022;(4):13-9. DOI:

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Gusev AP [NDVI as an indicator of climatogenic reactions of geosystems (using the example of south-east Belarus)]. Regionalnye Geosistemy. 2022;(2):200-9. DOI 10.52575/2712-7443-2022-46-2-200-209 (In Russ.)

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