А.А. Карсаков, Е.И. Пономарёв


Reported in the present paper is a study of the thermal condition of a Northern Siberian ecosystem in summer under anthropogenic impacts manifested as anomalies of mean-field underlying surface temperature. The study made use of multispectral, including the infrared (IR) range, images generated by the satellite system Landsat-7, and -8/ETM+/OLI/TIRS (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus / Operational Land Imager / Thermal Infrared Sensor) for the area impacted by the developing infrastructure of the oil-and-gas bearing basin in the south of the Taymyr Peninsular (Krasnoyarsk Region, the Tagul oil-and-gas field). A preliminary analysis of the spectral characteristics of the objects under study used a composite satellite signal in the channels λ = 1.560–1.660 µм, λ = 0.845–0.885 µм and λ = 0.63060.680 µm and the spectral ranges of the NDVI index of vegetation. The analysis made it possible to distinguish natural intact and anthropogenically impacted areas (of different impact factors). Each such factor was analyzed with regard to its thermal condition assessed by calculating the Land Surface Temperature (LST) in comparison with data related to the intact background and with long-term series of meteorological data on the ground-air temperature. A correlation ((R2=0,35, p<0,05) has been found between LST values and air temperature in summertime of 2010–2022 under increasing anthropogenic impact on vegetation and soil cover. Such changes may be used as a deciphering indicator for controlling the degree of the anthropogenic transformation of an ecosystem. The relative deviations of LST values for the plots under anthropogenic transformation were higher by ~5–12% than the background values. Since the onset of the active infrastructure development, regular decreases in NDVI values related to transformed areas were occurring, and the mean LST values shifted towards higher estimates. The relative deviations from the background values amounted to ~9–26% for NDVI и 18–26% for LST.


multizonal satellite images, anthropogenic transformation, mean-field underlying surface temperature, oil-and-gas industry, Land Surface Temperature (LST)

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