А.П. Дегтярев


The concept of "biophilicity", which was introduced in 1975 by A. Perelman as the ratio of the сlarke values of an element in the living matter and in the Earth's crust, does not provide for an adequate biogeochemical classification of elements because, in the respective coordinate system, the line representing the biochemically neutral elements is not straight. It is shown graphically that the "line of biochemical neutrality" conforms to a power function. Instead of the concept of "biophilicity", the concept of the "biochemical significance" of elements introduced in the present study corresponds to the multiplicity of deviation of a given element from the line corresponding to neutrality. The numerical series of biochemical significance values for 42 elements are presented as well as the numerical series of enrichment with elements of the primary terrestrial consumers vs. terrestrial plants. It is shown that the biochemical significance of some elements in these two series is the same, whereas of others it is different significantly.


biophilicity, bioconcentration factor, BСF, trace elements, biochemical significance, biochemical classification of elements.

Как процитировать материал


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