А.И. Татаринцев, Н.Н. Кулакова


Pineries in the sub-taiga forests of Krasnoyarsk suburbs are exploited for recreation especially in summer. In the present study, six test plots were evaluated for the sanitary condition of pineries, and factors that determine the condition were established. The recreation-caused compromised condition of pineries correspond to digression stages I-IV, the share of bare land surface in the total area ranging from 1 to 40%. The vitality score distributions feature right-side asymmetries. In critically compromised pineries, the proportions of trees having different degrees of weakness are increased. With increasing the recreations load, tree stand conditions significantly worsen and the proportions of dead trees increase. There was no significant correlation between the mean index of tree stand condition and the amount of litter, which suggests that the latter parameter is hardly relevant for assessing the current condition of recreational pineries, the likely cause being the sanitary elimination of dead trees. In this regard, the stock of 1st category trees showing no manifestation of weakness is more informative. Among diseases detected, those caused by rust fungi are the most hazardous. However, disease prevalence is within 4%, and their impact on the current pinery condition is insignificant. Highly prevalent (up to 36%) are wood lesions caused by mechanical and pyrogenic impacts, which compromise tree conditions when affect much of tree trunk. Among xylophage insects, pine beetles are predominant. A significant positive correlation between pine beetle population density and drying and dry pine stocks has been found. Measures for optimizing the condition of recreational pineries have been suggested.


pinery, recreational digression, sanitary condition, tree litter, tree diseases and lesions, pine beetles

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