В.А. Даувальтер, Н.А. Кашулин


The largest freshwater basin of Murmansk Oblast, the lake Imandra, has been being polluted with industrial sewage produced by mining and smelting industry and residential wastewaters for more than 80 years. As a result, the chemical composition of its water and bottom sediments, as well as its environmental conditions and aqueous flora and fauna, is changed significantly. We carried out a layer-by-layer analysis of column samples cut out of the bottom sediments of the lake to trace the history of its pollution. To this end, we determined the levels of heavy metals ((Ni, Cu, Co, Zn, Cd, Pb, As, Hg, Mn, Fe, and Cr), alkaline and earth metals, and Al and P. The geochemical composition of bottom sediments was found to undergo changes all through the area of the lake by the effects of the direct pollution with industrial and residential sewages, of airborne and industrial pollutants entering the basin of the lake, and of pileups and wind-induced flows. The most important industrial contributors to these changes are Severonikel Industrial Complex, OAO Apatit, and OAO Olkon. The most drastic changes were found in the area affected by Severonikel where the levels of all heavy metals are increasing in the upper layers of bottom sediments in a snowball fashion. The levels of Ni and Cu increased by two to three orders, to 3% and 0.6% respectively, compared with the deep layers presenting the background levels of these metals. More than tenfold increases were found in the levels of other heavy metals, Co,Zn, Cd, Pb, As, Hg, and Cr, which are associated components of copper-nickel ores. The impact of OAO Apatit is manifested as increases inthe levels of elements comprised in apatite and nephelin ores and overburdens (Ca, P, Na, K, Al, and Sr). Abnormally high levels of Hg are presumably associated with firing works at mines.


heavy metals, alkaline and earth metals, bottom sediments, the lake Imandra, pollution.

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