А.Б. Купчинский, М.Е. Овдин, Е.А. Петров


Based on an analysis of video observations recorded on Dolgiy Island (the Ushkany Islands archipelago, Lake Baikal) in summer 2022, examples of the functioning of one of the main coastal haul-outs of the Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica Gm.) under increasing anthropogenic pressure are given. The activity of using coastal haul-outs by the Baikal seal is high immediately after the disappearance of the last floating ice in the northern part of Lake Baikal (in June). Thereafter, the number of seals on a haul-out remains high but fluctuates significantly from day to day. The greatest daytime number of animals is usually observed by midday time. The disturbance factor at a haul-out is estimated as high. The behavioral responses of the animals to the disturbance factor are described. A preliminary assessment of the disturbance factor on the haul-outs of the northeastern coast of the lake is presented. Literature data on using shores by true seals are discussed with an emphasis on the responses of different seal species to human presence. Based on the observations and the presented data with account of published data, measures are proposed to prevent the excessive disturbance factor of the Baikal seal on haul-outs and to preserve its habitats in the summer. The importance of introducing protective measures into practice against the background of an increase in demand for coastal rookeries upon climate warming is emphasized.


Key words: Baikal seal, coastal haul-outs, disturbance factor, anthropogenic impact.

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