И.А. Белозерцева, Н.А. Зверева, Н.А. Скосырский, А.В. Козин


According to the results of soil and agrochemical work carried out in 2012-2023. characteristics of the state of fertility of soils of agricultural lands of the Bokhan district of the Irkutsk region are given. It was revealed that the soils of most of the studied area according to agrochemical indicators (content of humus, nitrates, agronomically valuable aggregates, mobile phosphorus and potassium) are favorable and are assessed as "excellent" and "good" fertility. Some soils of used arable land, pastures about n. Chernihiv, Kamenka, Olonki, Zakharovskaya, Taras need to introduce mineral potassium and phosphate fertilizers, and near the village of Tikhonovka - nitrogen. It has been established that soils for the content of agronomically valuable aggregates are "excellent," "good," rarely "satisfactory" for use in growing agricultural crops. In the soils of abandoned agricultural land more than 15-20 years ago, processes of restoration of humus content and agronomically valuable structure are observed.


agricultural land, arable land, deposit, soil fertility, agrochemistry, Irkutsk region

Как процитировать материал


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