С.М. Сультсон, Е.И. Пономарев, Е.Г. Швецов, П.Д. Третьяков, А.А. Горошко, Н.Н. Кулакова, П.В. Михайлов


The conditions of specific plots of a dark coniferous forest in a mountain taiga region of Siberia in 2018?2020 after an outbreak of Siberian silkmoth Dendrolimus sibiricus Tschetverikov (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) have been analyzed using Landsat and Terra/MODIS remote sensing data. The degree of defoliation-caused damage to forest stand was evaluated based on deviations of the vegetation index NDVI from the mean value found in undisturbed plots. Correlations between damage degree, meteorological parameters, and forest inventory and orographic characteristics of the territory under study were determined. A solution tree has been constructed for forecasting the possible degrees of damage to dark coniferous forests under defined conditions, which provides for estimating the possible degrees of damage to mountain taiga dark coniferous forests of Siberia at different stages of Siberian silkmoth outbreak development.


dark coniferous taiga, Siberian silkmoth, remote sensing data, forest stand damage degree, vegetation conditions.

Как процитировать материал


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